What canned tuna should you avoid?

Tuna caught outside of the US can be very high in mercury. It’s best to stick with US-caught and processed seafood, specifically from the West Coast (Oregon, Washington, California). Beware of labels that state “may be caught in US waters.” This often means the tuna was likely not caught in US waters, and even if …

Which canned tuna is lowest in mercury?

Oregon albacore tuna have much lower mercury levels compared to tuna caught elsewhere. Albacore tuna in the Pacific Northwest are part of a specific migratory group that inhabits waters with lower mercury levels. Additionally, these migrating fish are young, meaning they haven’t had time to accumulate high levels of mercury. Our hook-and-line fishing methods ensure …

Is canned tuna good for you?

Yes! Canned tuna is low in calories, high in protein, and very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (6500 mg per 7.5 oz can!). It is an excellent natural source of vitamin D, B vitamins, selenium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc. Eating Oregon-caught and canned tuna is an easy and natural way to get your protein …