What canned tuna should you avoid?

Tuna caught outside of the US can be very high in mercury. It’s best to stick with US-caught and processed seafood, specifically from the West Coast (Oregon, Washington, California). Beware of labels that state “may be caught in US waters.” This often means the tuna was likely not caught in US waters, and even if it was, it was NOT canned in the US! Tuna caught and processed in the US is lower in mercury and caught sustainably. This choice also supports a much lower carbon footprint, local communities, and good jobs.

Avoid tuna packed in oil or water. Instead, choose tuna packed in its own natural juices. This option retains more of the fish’s natural oils and omega-3 fatty acids, making it a healthier choice.

By making informed choices about the canned tuna you buy, you can enjoy the health benefits of this nutritious fish while supporting sustainable fishing practices and reducing your environmental impact. Look for high-quality, US-caught, and naturally packed options for the best results.